TEF is a non-profit organization based in northern Tanzania dedicated to elephant conservation. We
collaborate with a variety of partners to achieve long-term elephant conservation. TEF’s activities are

divided into three interrelated categories: applied elephant research and monitoring, enhancing human-
elephant coexistence and nature conservation education.


Applied Research and Monitoring

The population of African savannah elephants is threatened by poaching for ivory, human-elephant conflict, and habitat loss. According to the African Elephant Status Report, (2007-2016) there has been a decline of approximately 104,000-114,000 elephants in Africa. Therefore, it is important to understand the impact behind the decline while monitoring their ecology, behavior, and interactions with local communities adjacent to protected areas and apply them to curb the long-term challenges of elephant conservation across it’s range.

Enhancing Human -Elephant Coexistence

In Tanzania the conflicts between people and elephant arise when elephant cross farmlands, eat and trampling crops, injure or kill people/livestock and property damage. The competition for resources causes the communities to see elephant as destroyers and murderers. Recognizing that human-elephant conflict is a significant threat upon African elephant, TEF guides local communities to use non-lethal methods to reduce crop losses and diversify local economic livelihood- a win-win solution for both the community by reducing crop-losses and conserving elephants. TEF also organizes conservation educational programmes, providing knowledge about ecological and economic importance of conserving elephants  and their natural habitats, thus increasing commitment and positive views of wildlife and conservation.


To be the premier organization in elephant conservation and human-elephant coexistence in Africa


Promoting elephant conservation and coexistence between people and elephants


You too can make an impact!

  • Donate the much needed funds to support our projects
  • You can volunteer to work with us
  • Partner with us in our projects